Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church

Sundays at TPC

We are glad you found our church online! Please join us for worship this Sunday at 8am or 11am with Sunday School for all ages at 9:45am. Please email or call the office if you need any additional info.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to make mature, grace-filled disciples of Christ who are growing in their knowledge and love for God, for people, and in their desire and ability to serve in the kingdom of God for God’s glory.

This Week at Trinity

March 12 Women's Bible Study

March 12 Youth Group

March 16 Choir Rehearsal

Coming Events

March 17 College Care Package Gathering

March 19, 26 Women's Bible Study

March 23, 30 Choir Rehearsal

March 26 Youth Group

April 6 Monthly Prayer Meeting

April 12 Parenting & Discipleship Conference

Child Safety at Trinity 

Children are a gift of God and a serious responsibility which he has entrusted to us. Click here to find out more about how we care for our children at Trinity.

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